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Command-line tools

templ provides a command line interface. Most users will only need to run the templ generate command to generate Go code from *.templ files.

usage: templ <command> [<args>...]

templ - build HTML UIs with Go

See docs at

generate Generates Go code from templ files
fmt Formats templ files
lsp Starts a language server for templ files
info Displays information about the templ environment
version Prints the version

Generating Go code from templ files

The templ generate command generates Go code from *.templ files in the current directory tree.

The command provides additional options:

usage: templ generate [<args>...]

Generates Go code from templ files.

-path <path>
Generates code for all files in path. (default .)
-f <file>
Optionally generates code for a single file, e.g. -f header.templ
Set to true to generate HTML files to visualise the templ code and its corresponding Go code.
Set to false to skip inclusion of the templ version in the generated code. (default true)
Set to true to include the current time in the generated code.
Set to true to watch the path for changes and regenerate code.
-cmd <cmd>
Set the command to run after generating code.
Set the URL to proxy after generating code and executing the command.
The port the proxy will listen on. (default 7331)
The address the proxy will listen on. (default
Number of workers to use when generating code. (default runtime.NumCPUs)
Only generate .go files if the source .templ file is newer.
Port to run the pprof server on.
Keeps orphaned generated templ files. (default false)
Set log verbosity level to "debug". (default "info")
Set log verbosity level. (default "info", options: "debug", "info", "warn", "error")
Print help and exit.

For example, to generate code for a single file:

templ generate -f header.templ

Formatting templ files

The templ fmt command formats template files. You can use this command in different ways:

  1. Format all template files in the current directory and subdirectories:
templ fmt .
  1. Format input from stdin and output to stdout:
templ fmt

Language Server for IDE integration

templ lsp provides a Language Server Protocol (LSP) implementation to support IDE integrations.

This command isn't intended to be used directly by users, but is used by IDE integrations such as the VSCode extension and by Neovim support.

A number of additional options are provided to enable runtime logging and profiling tools.

  -goplsLog string
The file to log gopls output, or leave empty to disable logging.
Set gopls to log input and output messages.
Print help and exit.
-http string
Enable http debug server by setting a listen address (e.g. localhost:7474)
-log string
The file to log templ LSP output to, or leave empty to disable logging.
Enable pprof web server (default address is localhost:9999)