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Live reload with other tools

Browser live reload allows you to see your changes immediately without having to switch to your browser and press F5 or CMD+R.

However, Web projects usually involve multiple build processes, e.g. css bundling, js bundling, alongside templ code generation and Go compilation.

Tools like air can be used with templ's built-in proxy server to carry out additional steps.


This example, demonstrates setting up a live reload environment that integrates:

  • Tailwind CSS for generating a css bundle.
  • esbuild for bundling JavaScript or TypeScript.
  • air for re-building Go source as well as sending a reload event to the templ proxy server.

How does it work

templ's built-in proxy server automatically refreshes the browser when a file changes. The proxy server injects a script that reloads the page in the browser if a "reload" event is sent to the browser by the proxy. See Live Reload page for a detailed explanation.


The live reload JavaScript is only injected by the templ proxy if your HTML file contains a closing </body> tag.

The "reload" event can be triggered in two ways:

  • templ generate --watch sends the event whenever a ".templ" file changes.
  • Manually trigger it by sending a HTTP POST request to /_templ/reload/event endpoint. The templ CLI provides this via templ generate --notify-proxy.

templ proxy server --watch mode generates different _templ.go files. In --watch mode _templ.txt files are generated that contain just the text that's in templ files. This is used to skip compilation of the Go code when only the text content changes.

Setting up the Makefile

A Makefile can be used to run all of the necessary commands in parallel. This is useful for starting all of the watch processes at once.

templ watch mode

To start the templ proxy server in watch mode, run:

templ generate --watch --proxy="http://localhost:8080" --open-browser=false

This assumes that your http server is running on http://localhost:8080. --open-browser=false is to prevent templ from opening the browser automatically.

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind requires a tailwind.config.js file at the root of your project, alongside an input.css file.

npx tailwindcss -i ./input.css -o ./assets/styles.css --minify --watch

This will watch input.css as well as your .templ files and re-generate assets/styles.css whenever there's a change.


To bundle JavaScript, TypeScript, JSX, or TSX files, you can use esbuild:

npx esbuild js/index.ts --bundle --outdir=assets/ --watch

This will watch js/index.ts and relevant files, and re-generate assets/index.js whenever there's a change.

Re-build Go source

To watch and restart your Go server, when only the go files change you can use air:

go run \
--build.cmd "go build -o tmp/bin/main" --build.bin "tmp/bin/main" --build.delay "100" \
--build.exclude_dir "node_modules" \
--build.include_ext "go" \
--build.stop_on_error "false" \
--misc.clean_on_exit true

Using go run directly allows the version of air to be specified. This ensures that the version of air is consistent between machines. In addition, you don't need to run air init to generate .air.toml.


This command doesn't do anything to restart or send a reload event to the templ proxy server. We'll use a separate air command to trigger a notify event when any non-go related files change.

Reload event

We also want the browser to automatically reload when the:

  1. HTML content changes
  2. CSS bundle changes
  3. JavaScript bundle changes

To trigger the event, we can use the air command to use a different set of options, using the templ CLI to send a reload event to the browser.

go run \
--build.cmd "templ generate --notify-proxy" \
--build.bin "true" \
--build.delay "100" \
--build.exclude_dir "" \
--build.include_dir "assets" \
--build.include_ext "js,css"

The build.bin option is set to use the true command instead of executing the output of the build.cmd option, because the templ generate --notify-proxy command doesn't build anything, it just sends a reload event to the templ proxy server.

true is a command that exits with a zero status code, so you might see Process Exit with Code 0 printed to the console.

Serving static assets

When using live reload, static assets must be served directly from the filesystem instead of being embedded in the Go binary, because the Go binary won't be re-built when the assets change.

In practice this means using http.Dir instead of http.FS to serve your assets.

If you don't want to do this, you can add additional asset file extensions to the --build.include_ext argument of the air command that rebuilds Go code to force a recompilation and restart of the Go server when the assets change.


//go:embed assets/*
var assets embed.FS
mux.Handle("/assets/", http.FileServer(http.FS(assets)))



Web browsers will cache assets when they receive a HTTP 304 response. This will result in asset changes not being visible within your application.

To avoid this, set the Cache-Control header to no-store for assets in development mode:

var dev = true

func disableCacheInDevMode(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
if !dev {
return next
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-store")
next.ServeHTTP(w, r)


Putting it all together

A Makefile can be used to run all of the commands in parallel.

# run templ generation in watch mode to detect all .templ files and 
# re-create _templ.txt files on change, then send reload event to browser.
# Default url: http://localhost:7331
templ generate --watch --proxy="http://localhost:8080" --open-browser=false -v

# run air to detect any go file changes to re-build and re-run the server.
go run \
--build.cmd "go build -o tmp/bin/main" --build.bin "tmp/bin/main" --build.delay "100" \
--build.exclude_dir "node_modules" \
--build.include_ext "go" \
--build.stop_on_error "false" \
--misc.clean_on_exit true

# run tailwindcss to generate the styles.css bundle in watch mode.
npx tailwindcss -i ./input.css -o ./assets/styles.css --minify --watch

# run esbuild to generate the index.js bundle in watch mode.
npx esbuild js/index.ts --bundle --outdir=assets/ --watch

# watch for any js or css change in the assets/ folder, then reload the browser via templ proxy.
go run \
--build.cmd "templ generate --notify-proxy" \
--build.bin "true" \
--build.delay "100" \
--build.exclude_dir "" \
--build.include_dir "assets" \
--build.include_ext "js,css"

# start all 5 watch processes in parallel.
make -j5 live/templ live/server live/tailwind live/esbuild live/sync_assets

The -j5 argument to make runs all 5 commands in parallel.

Run make live to start all of the watch processes.