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Live reload

To access a Go web application that uses templ in a web browser, a few things must happen:

  1. templ generate must be executed, to create Go code (*_templ.go files) from the *.templ files.
  2. The Go code must start a web server on a port, e.g. (http.ListenAndServe("localhost:8080", nil).
  3. The Go program must be ran, e.g. by running go run ..
  4. The web browser must access or reload the page, e.g. http://localhost:8080.

If the *.templ files change, #1 and #2 must be ran.

If the *.go files change, #3 and #4 must be ran.


templ generate --watch watches the current directory for changes and generates Go code if changes are detected.

templ generate --watch generates Go code that loads strings from a _templ.txt file on disk to reduce the number of times that Go code needs to be re-generated, and therefore reduces the number of time your app needs to be recompiled and restarted.

To re-run your app automatically, add the --cmd argument to templ generate, and templ will start or restart your app using the command provided once template code generation is complete (#3).

Finally, to trigger your web browser to reload automatically (without pressing F5), set the --proxy argument (#4).

The --proxy argument starts a HTTP proxy which proxies requests to your app. For example, if your app runs on port 8080, you would use --proxy="http://localhost:8080". The proxy inserts client-side JavaScript before the </body> tag that will cause the browser to reload the window when the app is restarted instead of you having to reload the page manually. Note that the html being served by the webserver MUST have a <body> tag, otherwise there will be no javascript injection thus making the browser not reload automatically.

By default, the proxy binds to You can use --proxybind to bind to another address, e.g., --proxybind="".

Altogether, to setup live reload on an app that listens on port 8080, run the following.

templ generate --watch --proxy="http://localhost:8080" --cmd="go run ."
package main

import (


func main() {
component := hello("World")

http.Handle("/", templ.Handler(component))

fmt.Println("Listening on :8080")
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
package main

templ hello(name string) {
<div>Hello, { name }</div>

The live reload process can be shown in the following diagram:

Triggering live reload from outside templ generate --watch

If you want to trigger a live reload from outside templ generate --watch (e.g. if you're using air, wgo or another tool to build, but you want to use the templ live reload proxy), you can use the --notify-proxy argument.

templ generate --notify-proxy

This will default to the default templ proxy address of localhost:7331, but can be changed with the --proxybind and --proxyport arguments.

templ generate --notify-proxy --proxybind="localhost" --proxyport="8080"

Alternative 1: wgo


Live reload for Go apps. Watch arbitrary files and respond with arbitrary commands. Supports running multiple invocations in parallel.

wgo -file=.go -file=.templ -xfile=_templ.go templ generate :: go run main.go

To avoid a continous reloading files ending with _templ.go should be skipped via -xfile.

Alternative 2: air

Air can handle *.go files, but doesn't ship with a proxy to automatically reload pages, and requires a toml configuration file for operation.

See for details.

Example configuration

root = "."
tmp_dir = "tmp"

bin = "./tmp/main"
cmd = "templ generate && go build -o ./tmp/main ."
delay = 1000
exclude_dir = ["assets", "tmp", "vendor"]
exclude_file = []
exclude_regex = [".*_templ.go"]
exclude_unchanged = false
follow_symlink = false
full_bin = ""
include_dir = []
include_ext = ["go", "tpl", "tmpl", "templ", "html"]
kill_delay = "0s"
log = "build-errors.log"
send_interrupt = false
stop_on_error = true

app = ""
build = "yellow"
main = "magenta"
runner = "green"
watcher = "cyan"

time = false

clean_on_exit = false