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Creating a simple templ component

To create a templ component, first create a new Go project.

Setup project

Create a new directory containing our project.

mkdir hello-world

Initialize a new Go project within it.

cd hello-world
go mod init
go get

Create a templ file

To use it, create a hello.templ file containing a component.

Components are functions that contain templ elements, markup, and if, switch, and for Go expressions.

package main

templ hello(name string) {
<div>Hello, { name }</div>

Generate Go code from the templ file

Run the templ generate command.

templ generate

templ will generate a hello_templ.go file containing Go code.

This file will contain a function called hello which takes name as an argument, and returns a templ.Component that renders HTML.

func hello(name string) templ.Component {
// ...

Write a program that renders to stdout

Create a main.go file.

package main

import (

func main() {
component := hello("John")
component.Render(context.Background(), os.Stdout)

Run the program

Running the code will render the component's HTML to stdout.

go run .
<div>Hello, John</div>

Instead of passing os.Stdout to the component's render function, you can pass any type that implements the io.Writer interface. This includes files, bytes.Buffer, and HTTP responses.

In this way, templ can be used to generate HTML files that can be hosted as static content in an S3 bucket, Google Cloud Storage, or used to generate HTML that is fed into PDF conversion processes, or sent via email.